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Enhancing Hip Arthroscopy: More accurate FAI treatment using the HipMap and HipCheck systems

Enhancing Hip Arthroscopy: More accurate FAI treatment using the HipMap and HipCheck systems
Enhancing Hip Arthroscopy: More accurate FAI treatment using the HipMap and HipCheck systems

As orthopedic surgeons we are committed to providing the highest quality care and staying at the forefront of medical advancements. Two innovative technologies that are revolutionizing the treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS) are – the Stryker HipMap and HipCheck systems.

HipMap: Personalized Pre-operative Planning

Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome is a complex hip condition that requires a tailored approach to achieve the best outcomes for each patient. With the Stryker HipMap system, we now have access to patient-specific pre-operative planning like never before.

Through advanced 3D imaging and sophisticated analytics, HipMap creates an interactive representation of your unique hip joint anatomy. This invaluable tool allows Dr. Okoroha to make well-informed clinical decisions and tailor your treatment plan to address your specific needs effectively.

The HipMap system delivers a comprehensive report with cam and pincer lesion analysis, version/torsion measurements, indications for potential instability, 3D heat maps, and other visual tools. This detailed data helps Dr. Okoroha plan your surgery with unparalleled precision, ensuring that we can provide you with the best possible outcome.

HipCheck: Real-time Intra-operative Feedback

During hip arthroscopy, real-time feedback is paramount to achieving optimal results. That's where the Stryker HipCheck system comes into play.

With HipCheck, Dr. Okoroha can measure and resect cam lesions to achieve the desired alpha angle – a critical measurement for assessing hip joint mechanics. This intra-operative feedback tool offers enhanced visualization in the operating room, enabling Dr. Okoroha to precisely target and address cam pathology on a patient-specific basis.

To ensure a reproducible approach to femoroplasty, HipCheck allows Dr. Okoroha to compare pre-resection and post-resection fluoroscopy side-by-side. This validation process ensures that the planned resection was executed as intended, contributing to more predictable and successful surgical outcomes and decreasing the re-operation rate due to insufficient resection.

Seamless Integration and Improved Patient Interaction

Both HipMap and HipCheck seamlessly integrate into our existing workflow at Mayo Clinic, optimizing the surgical process. This means we can focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional patient care and achieving the best results.

Additionally, these advanced technologies empower Dr. Okorohoa to communicate with you differently. The 3D representation provided by HipMap helps you better understand your hip joint condition, fostering more informed discussions about your treatment options. Post-op comparison images from HipCheck also instill confidence that we have appropriately addressed the hip pathology, further enhancing your patient experience.

At Mayo Clinic our mission is to provide patient-centered, cutting-edge care. By incorporating the Stryker HipMap and HipCheck systems into our practice, we are dedicated to delivering the highest level of precision and effectiveness in hip arthroscopy for FAIS treatment.

If you are experiencing hip pain or limited range of motion, don't hesitate to reach out for a consultation. Together, we can create a personalized treatment plan to get you back to doing what you love with comfort and ease.

Stay healthy and active,
Dr. Okoroha